Node Types

There are two types of nodes shown in the scene tree. They are separated by being attached with two different icons.

  • Icon with a White Ball 3dXchange node types 0 Node Types – It indicates that the attributes of the node are not editable, which means the node contains no mesh for editing. The nodes in this category can be the scene root, the group name of objects.

  • Icon with a Mesh Ball 3dXchange node types 1 Node Types – It indicates that the attributes of the node are editable. These nodes contain meshes for editing in 3DXchange.

3dXchange node types Node Types


After you open a character VNS file, the bone nodes can not be excluded as you export it. You will be prompted a warning message. Please include them for exporting.

3dXchange excluded bone 0 Node Types

3dXchange excluded bone 1 Node Types

Character’s bone nodes are excluded

Warning message

Node Types