Appendix B – Supported OBJ Import Parameters
Support principle: Support all the attributes related to Polygon only.
Attribute Name |
Description |
F |
Face |
G |
Group Name |
Material Library |
O |
Object Name |
S |
Smooth Group |
Material Name |
V |
Vertex |
VN |
Vertex Normal |
VT |
Vertex Texture Coordinate |
Attribute Name |
Description |
newmtl |
Material Name |
Ka |
Ambient Color |
Kd |
Diffuse Color |
Ks |
Specular Color |
d |
Alpha |
Tr |
Alpha, the same as ‘d’ |
Ns |
Shiniess |
map_Kd |
Diffuse Texture Name |
map_Bump |
Bump Texture Name |
map_D |
Opacity Texture Name |
Map_refl refl |
Reflection Texture Name |